March Chapel—"God Loves the World”


Scripture:  This month’s scripture is John 13:34: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.”  


A Book to Help us Understand:  In class we read the book The Story of Easter by Patrick A. Pingry

We asked the class three questions:

·       We know God loves us and wants us to love other people.  What are ways that you show that you love someone?

·       Sharing is one way we can show love.  What are some things that you share with your parents or with your friends?

·       What are some ways that we can care about people we don’t know?


As a follow up, talk to your child about the fact that God’s loving us makes us want to share that love with others.  Sometimes sharing some very basic things can make another person feel loved—especially if they are having a hard time because they are having a bad day, are sick or have lost homes or possessions.


Mission Project:  We will be collecting the “fish” for One Great Hour of Sharing that we distributed last month.  You can also talk to your child about thinking of a way that they can share with someone else this week—even sharing time together.  Get creative and share some love!